Peru Family Vacation Packages 2024/2025

Peru makes for an unforgettable family vacation destination, offering a blend of adventure, culture, and relaxation—suited for all age groups. Family tours in Peru can include destinations such as Colca Canyon, the Nazca Lines, and Machu Picchu, where the whole family can learn about ancient civilizations and cultures. A stay at resort towns like Moncora and Paracas will offer downtime to unwind for the family in between their Peru adventure tour. A family can also enjoy wildlife spotting in the Amazon rainforest and tours to Sacred Valley, Lake Titicaca, and other popular destinations. Peru family trips also include plenty of outdoor activities like hiking, river rafting, and kayaking, which can be enjoyed by both adults and children alike.

Check out our list of the best Peru family vacations below.

Showing 592 Trips in Peru with 962 Reviews


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