Africa Self-guided tours and trips 2024/2025

The best self-guided and independent tours in Africa. We currently offer 30+ Africa tours and trips that are self-guided with varying trip durations from 1 to 17 days. Self-guided and independent tours can be a great way to discover Africa although potential risks associated with not having a guide always needs to be considered. See our self guided tours to Africa or small group tours to Africa if you've decided the risks were too high.

Showing 34 Trips in Africa with 7 Reviews

Africa Self Guided Tour Reviews

4.7 - Excellent
Based on 7 customer reviews
  • Meshari A.
Going to the top of Africa feels amazing but the thing that I will miss the most is being surrounded by an amazing crew that are pushing me to achieve my goal. CEOs and G-fighters were the highlight of this trip and I am glad that i got to know a few of them. I went with one goal which is to reach the summit and I came with stories to tell and songs to sing. You people are amazing!

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