Canada Group Tours 2024/2025

Our Canada group tours offer a hassle-free way to savor this sprawling northern nation’s most spellbinding sites for a reasonable price. Suitable for solo travelers or globe-trotting friends, our group tours team you up with like-minded adventurers for a cost-effective Canada tour. A watchful local guide handles all the logistics so you can explore incredible natural attractions like the Canadian Rockies in style. Plus, with allocated free time on most days, you’ll get plenty of opportunity to wander off and do your own thing—be it sipping wine in Niagara on the Lake, riding up the CN Tower in Toronto or taking a walking tour of coast and mountains to experience the country’s majestic glory. Our Canada group tour packages span all corners of the country, from secluded national parks to buzzing urban hubs. Whether you’re keen to hike the Canadian Rockies or marvel at bears in British Columbia, an epic adventure awaits.

Take a peek through our small group tours in Canada to pinpoint the perfect option for you. We also organize larger group tours in Canada so you can ramp up those savings.

Showing 132 Trips in Canada with 58 Reviews


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