Canada Guided tours 2024/2025

A solo trip entails a plethora of potential roadblocks, from language barriers to missed connections and unwanted encounters with bears. But with a Canada guided tour, you can enjoy this sprawling northern nation under the watchful gaze of a fully qualified guide. Whether you’re ordering croissants in Quebec or trekking national parks, our guided Canada tour packages add an extra layer of convenience and safety to your trip. Specialized guides are on hand to provide bespoke advice, help with travel plans and navigate strange new places. Nature lovers, for example, can take a fully guided camping and hotel excursion through an adventure tour of the Canadian Rockies. Or take advantage of a guide’s local knowledge on a cultural tour of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Or, if spectacular natural light shows are more your jam, why not join the group to see the Northern Lights?

Take a squiz at our extensive range of guided Canada travel packages below.

Showing 144 Trips in Canada with 58 Reviews


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