Ottawa Tours and Trips 2024/2025

We offer 5+ tours in Ottawa having in total 25+ customer reviews. Tour durations range from 8 to 15 days. Our Ottawa tours are offered by qualified and hand-picked tour operators and each Ottawa trip comes with a best price guarantee and no added booking fees.

Showing 8 Trips in Ottawa with 28 Reviews

Ottawa Tour Reviews

4.6 - Excellent
Based on 28 customer reviews
North West Passage
  • Anonymous
I thought that this trip looked exciting. I realised before I went that there was a lot of ice at the earlier part of the route. This meant that our tour started from Resolute Bay rather than Cambridge Bay, which was initially disappointing, as I was interested in the Franklin expedition and would have liked to see where it had been. However, it did mean that we had more time in the Lancaster Strait area which is wonderful for wildlife. We saw about 20 polar bears, gyrfalcon, snowy owl, distant narwal and muskoxen and two breathtaking pods of Orcas (killer whales). We had an interesting talk by the CEO of the Victoria Strait Expedition, which was then taking place, and although we were told that no trace of Franklin's ships had been found, we later heard that one HAD been found.

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