Brazil Adventure Trips 2024/2025

From Amazon rainforest tours that guide you through the tropical jungle to witnessing the power of mighty Iguazu Falls from up close and urban excursions in vibrant metropolises like the legendary Rio de Janeiro, adventure tours in Brazil are of a different caliber. On a tour to Brazil, enjoy adventures such as swimming with dolphins in volcanic archipelagos and rappeling down stunning canyons in one of the most beautiful corners of the planet. Dive into the exotic crystal-clear waters of Bonito and discover a world of colorful sea life and get an awe-inspiring look at the majestic stalactites towering over an enchanting underground lake of Abismo Anhumas. Pair your holiday with a wildlife tour to immerse in the country’s amazing wildlife.

Check out our best Brazil adventure tours below.

Showing 39 Trips in Brazil with 15 Reviews


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