Lima Natural Landmarks Sightseeing Trips 2024/2025

Natural landmarks sightseeing trips to Lima. Looking for a Lima Natural landmarks sightseeing tour? We offer 35+ natural landmarks sightseeing tours in Lima backed by 200+ reviews and offering discounts up to 20%. All our trips are offered by expert trip designers and Lima destination experts, with trip durations ranging from 5 to 58 days.

Showing 38 Trips in Lima with 208 Reviews

Lima Natural landmarks sightseeing Tour Reviews

4.9 - Excellent
Based on 208 customer reviews
What a great trip!
  • Anonymous
During the two very busy weeks we basically saw most of Peru - starting from Lima - making our way through the mountains via Cuzco and ending up with Lake Titicaca and Arequipa. Wonderful scenery across, tons of archaeological ruins visited along the way and we get to know Peruvian culture very well due to our excellent guide Edwind (winner of Exodus Guide of the Year 2023 for a good reason! ). Highlights for me was definitely Machu Picchu and two days we spend there, but also a wonderful Amantani Island homestay on Lake Titicaca. Staying with a local family was a very humbling and magical experience. Great trip if you want to see most of Peru in just two weeks - really comprehensive!
Five great and different experiences of Peru!
  • Anonymous
This is a first class itinerary which gave us five 'mega day' experiences of Peru, each of which was quite different from the others: seeing the wonderful condors in Colca Canyon; visiting the families on a reed island in Lake Titicaca; walking the last part of the Inca Trail and seeing Machu Picchu from the Sun Gate; seeing the great colonial religious art and architecture in Cuzco and spending time in the rain forest on a tributary of the Amazon. These memorable experiences were separated by other days travelling through scenic landscapes, visiting interesting sites and staying in some great hotels. The Colca Lodge and ICH Lodge on the river were both wonderful. Bar one that I've reported to Exodus, the others were all solid four star hotels with comfortable rooms and good food and locations. The food in Peru is generally good and we had tasty lunches and dinners out. I'll pass on the guinea pig next time though!
  • Stephen Davies
Perfect vacation! We were traveling in a small group (two couples) and enjoyed private tours at each location. We were always greeted in each new city and the accommodations were 1st class. The local tour guides were friendly and spoke English very well. If you want a great experience in Peru - this is the tour!

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