A Most Varied and Inspiring Adventure Like many other previous reviews have already stated, this trip covered so many different experiences-lots of wildlife from elephants, big cats, whales, many antelope species, birds, reptiles and insects. Also stunning scenery including mountains,fynbos vegetation,semi-desert and the wild cape coast as well as the interesting and varied city life of Cape Town itself.
Pradeep was an amazing leader. We felt safe with him at all times. He always watched out on us. He is very educated and has a vast knowledge on history (maybe too much) :) I would of enjoyed some more free time and fun light activities or tours.
We had a full tour with 16 people but our amazing guide Petro Pretorius ensured that everyone had a great experience. I won't repeat everything written in the other reviews - it's all true! You haven't lived till you experience a roadblock of a dazzle of zebra (yes, that's the collective term for them) or meet one of the big five lumbering around a corner in front of your vehicle, eat a 5-star braai meal (bbq but much more) cooked by your hosts in De Rust, gape at the astonishing stalactites in the Kango Caves, gaze from the top of Table Mountain or listen to an ex-prisoner describing life on Robben Island. In a relatively short tour you experience so many different types of scenery, flora and fauna and culture but in manageable chunks. Petro shares her passion for South Africa with you and gives you a full and honest account of the challenges faced by this wonderful but struggling country.