About Us

This company was founded on the principle that travel is about more than just getting away from it all — it's about what you're going towards and the memories with which you return. To us, travel can be a catalyst for change: change in how we see the world, how we think about other cultures, how we see ourselves and how we live our lives. Travel can change people in the most profound ways; it can bring us closer together, provide new opportunities, give new perspectives and broaden horizons. Travel can help us grow.

That is the kind of travel Adventures Abroad strives to provide.

Why book with Us

Our groups comprise no more than 18 participants plus an Adventures Abroad Tour Leader. With Adventures Abroad you can do more and see more at an easier pace, enjoy the peace and quiet of that special place you've always dreamed of, and actually hear the local guide! As food always plays an important role in the local cultural experience, we avoid large hotel buffets in favour of smaller, local restaurants.

Spontaneity, flexibility, organisation, effective time management; all are integral tour aspects. Without exception, each of our 400+ itineraries undergoes careful scrutiny during crafting, thereby ensuring maximum detail, accuracy, and appropriate pacing for every trip. We also take into consideration special events, along with other such experiences that cannot always be planned beforehand. With small group travel, it is easier to venture "off the beaten path" or visit interesting places while getting around by special means; activities that will only enrich your travel experience.

The vast majority of our accommodation choices worldwide reflect our clients' desire for clean, well-located, three and four-star properties with private bath facilities. Should such accommodation be unavailable-for reasons such as our tour activities or our location-we find suitable alternatives. Though all our hotels, inns and lodges are carefully chosen, our tours are not about accommodation, as are most beach holidays.

Our well-travelled, experienced sales staff excels at discerning your needs or determining your suitability, as regards a particular programme. We are glad to provide references from previous travellers. As well as our published airfares from major gateways, we can quote airfares from any major airport in any North American or European city. Requesting special airline meals, seating or stopovers proves no problem for us and neither does arranging extra nights accommodation, should you so desire, either before or after your trip. In fact, we're more than happy to oblige.

Tours and Holidays by Adventures Abroad

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