
I was born in the UK and grew up in Australia. At the age of 24 I began to travel and discovered the magic of Asia. After 6 years of travel, I decided to settle in Kathmandu, Nepal and here I got involved in the mountain biking and tourism community and things bloomed from there.

My actual professional training/background is as a Chef. And I still have a love of food. My experience working in high pressure kitchens has given me a quirky sense of humor and also an edge when it comes to organization and working under pressure and seeing the funny side of every situation.

Travel inspired me to think outside the 9 to 5 norm of life and seek an alternative way of living in Nepal. It has helped me and I want to help people carve out the best Holiday Adventures that can transport them from the daily grind to lifetime experiences.

Jenny's Travel Expertise

I specialize in Nepal, having a deep passion for the country and culture. In particular, mountain biking. This country is one of the best in the world for off the beaten track cycling and mountain biking tours.

I have traveled and cycled to most of the places in Nepal and can give accurate details of the terrain, distances and elevation gain. I also know the best places to get off the beaten track and offer Bespoke experiences to travelers.

Being a cyclist as well as a traveler allows me to better understand the needs and expectations of cyclists and mountain bikers.

Expert Activities

Jenny's best travel experience

Ha... I have so many! One of my favorite moments was when I was quite young and naive and lost in the middle of wild Cambodia when it had just opened to tourism. A friend and I had embarked on an epic adventure into the Cambodian wilderness to seek the fresh water dolphins. A dodgy boat road and long hike found us in some tiny outpost village on the side of a river.

We had a brush with an unfriendly hotel keeper, got ripped off by a boatman and had not seen any Dolphins to speak of. We felt, lost and alone in this strange and remote place, perhaps rethinking our naive wisdom that travelling alone off into the Cambodian Jungle was not the smartest of Ideas.We were hot, sweaty, tired and hungry.

We sat down on the banks of the river and watched the sunset wondering how to get out of this place. This local lady came by, a small child clinging to her hip.

She seemingly acquired from nowhere, some stools, ice cold cans of tiger beer and before we knew it, her family appeared one by one and before long a BBQ was going and chicken was being grilled. Just as the sun kissed the horizon as if by miracle a pod of dolphins swam by!

The world had been put to rights.

This moment always sits in my memory. Moments like this were repeated often as I traveled through Asia, the ingenuity, kindheartedness of people and the magic of Nature .... always outweigh the ungly and tough moments in life.

Why is Jenny the right travel expert

Living in Nepal gives me excellent and up to date knowledge of where to ride and what is good in realtime. My western perspective allows me to understand the needs of travelers when it comes to communication, planning and understanding their needs. This combination gives me an edge over others.

I am looking foward to help people plan their prefect Holidays!