Best Time To Visit Belgium

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Quick Facts

  • Best time to visit: April – June, September – October
  • High Tourist Season: July – August
  • Low Season: November – March
  • All Seasons: April – June (spring), July – August (summer), September – October (fall), November – March (winter)
  • The best time to visit Belgium is between April – June or September – October. The spring and fall weather is absolutely stunning and will definitely leave you feeling refreshed.
  • High season in Belgium is during the summer months between July – August. The weather is quite warm, but the crowds will be higher, especially in coastal towns.
  • The winter months, November – February, form the low season. However, there will be some amazing carnivals, especially during Christmas and Lent season.
  • The temperature in Belgium is quite moderate round the year, so you will be able to travel without any interruptions, no matter which season you visit in.

Belgium is a country you visit when you want to enjoy the beauty of Europe in a leisurely and luxurious manner. You have to take in the stunning beauty of Ghent, and stop for a steaming hot mug of Belgian hot chocolate. You can hike up the stunning Ardennes, and stop for a bit to write down your thoughts in a journal. Belgium’s beauty is meant to be savoured slowly. That’s why this is a country you will always come back to – no matter how many times you visit.

Thankfully, Belgium’s climate is rather moderate, even though it follows the standard temperature as the rest of Europe. Most of the bigger cities in Belgium, like Brussels, Ghent, Bruges, and Antwerp are all year – round destinations, but each season has something special to offer. So, when is the best time to go to Belgium? Read on to make your decision.

Seasonal Overview

April to June – Spring / Good Season

A trip to Belgium in Spring is worth it.
The Royal Park in Brussels, Belgium is a rejuvenating experience

If you want pleasant temperature throughout the country then this is a great time to travel to Belgium. From Wallonia to Flanders, the entire country enjoys warm sunshine, with pleasant afternoons throughout this season. This is a shoulder season, so the crowds would be fairly less– except during the weekends, when many Britons and Europeans make weekend trips to Ghent and Bruges. The price of accommodation and travel would be cheaper during these months than in summer.

  • Temperature: 57 – 70° F / 9 - 15° C (in Brussels)
  • Rainfall: 73 – 142 mm 
  • Season: Spring
  • Highlights: Springtime is a great time to visit Belgium, as most of the countryside will be bursting with blossoms– especially Bruges and Ghent. This is definitely the best time to visit Brussels and room rates will be the lowest they get for the entire year. This is also a good time to visit Wallonia, especially Ardennes, which would have just opened up after being closed for winter, so you can experience the area while it is still fresh. There are a number of festivals that take place in during spring – including the Brussels Film Festival (in June), and the Jazz Marathon (in May).

July to August – Summer / Low Season

Belgium summers are warm but not unbearable.
Walking along the canals of Ghent, Belgium under the warm summer sun is relaxing

The weather in Belgium will be warm during this season, but the heat won’t be unbearable. There might be some intermittent rains around the country. This is the high season, due to holidays in rest of Europe, America, and UK, so expect a lot of crowds all around the country, especially in the bigger towns and the coastal areas. If you want cheaper tickets, or good accommodation, make sure you book your tickets well in advance.

  • Temperature: 74 – 75° F / 18°C (in Brussels)
  • Rainfall: 57 – 72 mm 
  • Season: Summer
  • Highlights: This is the peak period for Bruges, and also Brussels. The weather in Flanders will be much cooler than north Belgium, so you might want to head there if the heat becomes too much for you to handle. There will countless outdoor festivals during this period– including the Ghent Festival (in July), Brussels Summer Festival (in August), and several other outdoor music and art festivals in Brudges, Hasselt, Ath and Antwerp. July is also when the world – famous Tomorrowland music festival takes place.

September to October – Fall / Good Season

Visiting Belgium in Fall
The Minnewater Park in Bruges, Belgium turns into a golden landscape in Autumn

September and October are splendid months to travel in Belgium. The summer heat begins wearing off, and the slight chill of winter begins settling in. The fall weather looks spectacular in the countryside, and towards the north as well. This season can get quite wet, especially since the coastal winds will start to blow the rains in. There will be a dip in the number of tourists in the country, following the busy summer, so you can expect some discounts in hotels and tickets!

  • Temperature: 57 – 74° F / 12 - 15° C (in Brussels)
  • Rainfall: 21 – 42mm 
  • Season: Fall
  • Highlights: This is the best time to visit Belgium if you want to explore the hilly regions of the Ardennes. The slopes will be shrouded in fall foliage, and the weather is really pleasant, so this would be a great time for you to go on a long trek (rewarding yourself with a beer at the end of it, of course). There won’t be a lot of outdoor festivals, but you should definitely visit the Ghent Film Festival if you get a chance!

November to March – Winter/ Low Season

Visiting Belgium during winter can be very cold
Canals and Ponds in Belgium freeze over during winter, making the perfect for some iceskating

Winters in Belgium can get rather wet and chilly. There are times when the canals freeze over as well – making it easy for ice skating rinks to be formed. There will be showers towards the coastal areas. It will get quite chilly, but it is not the country with the lowest winter temperatures in Europe – so you can still enjoy a number of outdoor activities.

  • Temperature: 43 – 45° F / 3 - 7° C (in Brussels)
  • Rainfall: 19 – 129 mm 
  • Season: Winter
  • Highlights: If you are in Belgium during winter, you can explore the bigger cities, as the smaller ones will become rather dreary and dull during these cold months. During some years, there is enough snow in the Ardennes for cross–country and downhill skiing– but this depends on the weather. Belgian Christmas markets and celebrations are also worth spending days over. You should definitely not miss the Brussels Christmas Market. There are many more festivals for you to attend– including the exciting and bizarre carnivals at Stavelot and Binche.




Published by Marie Storm, updated on June 6, 2024
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  • Bas Naus
    Bas NausTravel Expert in Belgium & Holland
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