Train to the Clouds from Salta

  • Best price guaranteed
  • No booking fees
  • duration 1 days
  • tour type Small group Request as private
  • age requirement 1-99 yrs
  • max group size 10
  • guiding method Fully guided
  • Tour Code BM-19367
  • Footprint Carbonneutral CO2 emissions resulting from all trips on Bookmundi will be offset via investments in carbon reduction projects.
  • Operated in English
  • Starts Salta, Argentina
  • Ends Salta, Argentina
HIGHLIGHTS Download trip notes
  • Discover this amazing World Heritage Site
  • Get to see the Seven Colored Hill
  • Be accompanied by professional bilingual guides
The Train to the Clouds from Salta tour starts and ends in Salta. The Train to the Clouds from Salta is a train tour that takes 1 days taking you through Salta, Argentina and other destinations in Argentina.

Welcome to the iconic Tren a las Nubes (Train to the Clouds). This experience combines routes by bus and train in which you can enjoy the Andean landscapes and culture, while at the same time, benefiting the local and tourist development of the regions of the Quebrada and Puna. This tour will have as its exclusive attraction the train journey from San Antonio de los Cobres to the famous La Polvorilla viaduct

We will meet at Plaza Antofagasta at 6.15 am, in front of the Salta Train Station. Here all the passengers will do the check-in with the tickets and passports. Once we are all registered and sited inside the bus, we will begin our journey.

At 7.35 am we will have our first photographic stop in Campo Quijano, located 30 km from the capital. There we will begin to see the most emblematic engineering work of Salta: the railroad branch C-14. We will return to the bus and, at 08 am, we will make the second stop at Viaducto del Toro, located on the Quebrada which bears the same name. We will continue our journey and at 09.25 am we will stop at El Alfarcito, a place at 2,800 masl, where the tradition of local handicrafts is kept alive. Here we will enjoy a country breakfast and we will visit the craft fair. Also we will be visiting the Father Chifri Fundation. This will be our last stop before arriving at San Antonio de los Cobres, a town that is 168 km away of the capital of Salta and about 3,775 meters above sea level, at the foot of the Terciopelo Hill.

Arriving at 11.40, we will go to the train station and embark on the emblematic Train to the Clouds. At noon we will start the journey that we were all waiting for: the train traveling at 35km per hour allows you to contemplate, photograph and experience the beauty of nature, stillness and immensity. On board is offered bar service, postal service and merchandising to make this trip an enjoyment and an unforgettable memory. Around 1 pm, we will arrive to the Viaduct of Polvorilla, the most recognized image of this trip. With steel structures of 223.5 meters in length, 1600 tonnes in weight, a height of 63 meters above ground level, it is the highest structure of the railway branch C-14, located more than 4200 Here we will descend from the train and we will have 30 minutes to tour the place and take incredible photos.

We will get back on the train and start the return to San Antonio de los Cobres, arriving at the station around 2:45 pm.
Here we will have 2 hours where we can tour the town, experience different activities with the native communities, among them, you can visit the Craft Market, create a clay pot with your own hands, or make a trekking with llamas (optional, not included). Also, it is the ideal time to enjoy lunch (not included). Around 4.30 pm we will go back on board the bus and start our return. After an hour's drive we will make our last stop in the village of Santa Rosa de Tastil, where one of the largest archeological sites in our country is located, it is estimated that it hosted 3,000 people approximately.

After this 20 minute stop, we will begin the final section of our trip, arriving at the city of Salta around 08.15 pm

  • Breakfast And Snack
  • Round trip Bus Trip From Salta City Center
  • Ticket For The Train To The Clouds
  • Pick Up From Hotels
  • Lunch
  • Additional Activities In San Antonio De Los Cobres.
This tour has not received any customer reviews yet. However, you can expect a good tour as it is run by a trusted travel specialist who has received 35 reviews for other tours with an average 4.4 rating.
REQUEST A PRIVATE, CUSTOMIZABLE DEPARTURE By design, this is a group tour. You can however request a private, customized version of this tour for yourself or your private group of people. Private departures are usually more expensive, but come with these benefits:
  • Personal Itinerary can be tweaked and customized.
  • Protected Travel within your own bubble.
  • Professional Access our Travel Specialists' insider knowledge.
  • Privacy Enjoy a tour focused solely on you or your travel group.
Request a private and/or personalized departure To design a private tour, we'll ask you some more information in the following steps.
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GOOD TO KNOW Download trip notes

No additional cancellation fees apply for this Train to the Clouds from Salta tour. You can cancel the tour up to 32 days prior departure and avoid paying the full amount, but your deposit paid is non-refundable. No refund applies for cancellations within 31 days of departure.


For any tour departures within 02 July 2024, full payment is required. For tours that depart later than 02 July 2024, a deposit of 50% is required to confirm this tour, and the remaining balance will be charged 31 days before trip departure.

Travel Insurance

Train to the Clouds from Salta tour requires that you have adequate and valid travel insurance covering medical and personal accidents, including repatriation costs and emergency evacuation. World Nomads offers travel insurance for independent travelers and intrepid families.


For this Train to the Clouds from Salta tour getting the required visa(s) is the responsibility for each individual traveller, as visa requirements vary depending on your nationality. We recommend to check with your local embassies representing the countries that you are traveling to, as part of this itinerary.

Rooms have to be filled when booking. Thus, if you are 1 person travelling you have to pick Single Room. If you’re 2 people travelling, you can either pick either Single Room, in which case each traveler will receive their own Single Room, or Double Room, etc.
If you have any question about this tour or need help with planning a trip, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We're ready to help.

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