
I was born in Budapest, Hungary, and growing up, I loved adventuring into the neighboring areas. Then, at 17, I decided to travel to the other end of the world. I settled in Australia and since then, I have traveled around it—I have nearly done the full lap now!

From Australia, I was able to visit surrounding countries in Asia. I even lived in South Korea for a while, and as luck had it, I started working with people from all over the world. This opportunity got me into arranging travel and organizing local tours for fun.

I eventually traveled back to Europe to introduce my children to their roots and also to Italy, France, and Spain. I was an intrepid traveler, much to my children's dismay, as it meant staying where the locals stayed and having no room service.

My older son suggested we visit Cuba, and it was here that I met our wonderful tour guide who is now my husband and co-founder of our tour company. From organizing tours—logistics and all—I arrange and run tours along with my husband and the services of other local guides, accommodation providers, and drivers.

Orsolya's Travel Expertise

I love to provide travelers with an authentic Cuban experience and a blend of culture, nature, and history. Cuba has a lot to offer to visitors and I can help create the perfect itinerary for any traveler. From cooking classes to dancing, rum tasting and cocktail making to nature walks and beaches—I love to show you the best of Cuba.

Orsolya's best travel experience

Well, picking up a husband on tour has to be one!

Also, discovering places with my husband is extra special to me. He brings a child-like wonder everywhere we go. Whether it is Sydney, the Margeret River Wine Region, or Bali—we love exploring it all. With the added logistical challenges, getting to a new place is always an achievement in itself!

Why is Orsolya the right travel expert

I bring ground-level experience to all my clients. My strength is understanding the Western comforts our clients are accustomed to on their travels, and I ensure that their expectations meet reality. I aim to show you all that Cuba has to offer, and it always excites me to create a perfectly memorable itinerary for you. With me by your side, you will have the perfect vacation!