Tours and Trip Packages to Jordan in August 2026

Traveling to Jordan in August 2026? We offer 25+ tours, trips and vacation packages to Jordan in August 2026. Our Jordan in August 2026 tour packages and trips have 300+ customer reviews. All the Jordan August 2026 tour packages and trips are carried out by hand-picked, qualified local and international Jordan tour operators.

Showing 25 Trips in Jordan with 341 Reviews

Jordan August 2026 Tour Reviews

4.7 - Excellent
Based on 341 customer reviews
Cycling Jordan
  • Anonymous
It was a full packed, well paced, comprehensive tour of Jordan, beautiful sights on the bike that just wouldn't be seen in a vehicle. Stunning scenes & you get a good feel for the countries landscape, culture, history and position now, with all the planned visits and fantastic guiding. The cycling is enough to make it a non-lazy holiday but not for people wanting to do any serious mileage or training.
  • Anonymous
I have wanted to visit Jordan for a long time, but Jordan and this holiday surpassed my highest expectations. I thoroughly enjoyed it all, but there is not time or space to comment on it all.
  • Anonymous
We had a week in Jordan at the end of April with Khaled as our guide, he was excellent, amusing, informative and gave us an insight into 'real' life in Jordan. The holiday did "exactly as it said on the tin" and was wonderful. Throughout the week we were given choices about where and when to eat and how long we'd like to spend as free time, everything went well and there were no hold ups or disasters.

Tours in Jordan - Questions and Answers

  • Do people in Jordan speak English?
  • Do I need a visa to travel to Jordan?
  • Is traveling in Jordan safe?
  • How long should I stay in Jordan?
  • What is the best month to visit Jordan?
  • Do I require a visa to visit Jordan?

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