Tours and Trip Packages to North America in May 2026

Traveling to North America in May 2026? We offer 100+ tours, trips and vacation packages to North America in May 2026. Our North America in May 2026 tour packages and trips have 50+ customer reviews. All the North America May 2026 tour packages and trips are carried out by hand-picked, qualified local and international North America tour operators.

Showing 165 Trips in North America with 56 Reviews

North America May 2026 Tour Reviews

4.7 - Excellent
Based on 56 customer reviews
Cuba cycling
  • Anonymous
This was an excellent trip and I enjoyed almost every minute of it (not the mild case of the trots for two days). There were 18 in our group and I worried that this might be too many, but with two buses and a team of two drivers and a mechanic, plus our tour leader, we were well served. There were a few last-minute changes to our itinerary--I was sorry to miss staying at the eco-hotel in the Sierra Maestre where we had lunch one day.
Cuban Highlights
  • Anonymous
This was a very well organised trip lead by Freddy, who was a brilliant guide. His knowledge of Cuba and its history was exceptional. He made the trip so interesting and his attention to detail was second to none.
Cycling Cuba
  • Anonymous
I would definitely recommend this fabulous trip! Cycling through Cuba is one of the best ways to see the country and its people along the way. The trip ambitiously covers large distances over a sizeable island but the mixture of cycling and bus transfers just about works. There is a good mixture of accommodation-types from larger, swankier hotels (either modernist government hotels or beautiful colonial-style buildings) to staying in a local's home (Casas particulares).

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